Building natural stone


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Masonry - Chameleon


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White Masonry - Natural Stone Gneiss


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Building stone Unformed - natural stone Gneiss


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Line stone Unformed Yellow - natural stone Gneiss

The houses built of natural stone are distinguished by the natural beauty of the stone combined with the masters of the mason.

Natural stone Gneiss designed for masonry is distinguished by natural beauty and strength. One of the requirements is that the building stone has at least one flat side to be used for the front of the masonry. Subsequent stonework is not done and therefore the walls of these stones have the natural beauty of the stone.

Construction stones are distinguished from the other Natural stone gneiss plates at their greater thickness and height. The lengths are uneven and the shape resembles single bricks. The construction Natural stone gneiss is also used for building decorative walls in yards as well as for basic masonry.